D, Stalingrad
After the German Army failed to capture Stalingrad, they were pushed back due to lack of supplies from the bitter Russian winter.
The conflict theorist Engels referred the "gender-based slavery" as the divided labor in capitalism wherein women will do the household labor and they will not receive any status or income, while the men, on the other hand, will leave their own home to earn money or income.
Geometric shapes help you work if you dont know what that thing is. lets say that the washing mashine is what i dont know. but i look at the shape, and the shape is the only thing i need to know.Then i founded out that it was a washing machine. people use shapes everywhere. they were here since the beginning of earth. the word shape came at 1800. from germanic, to old english. there 2 kind of shape in old english: gesceap and sceppan. Hope it helps!