When people put their money in the bank to save it other people can borrow that money. As they pay it back you won't loose money and the bank will earn in interest. So as long as people are putting their money into the bank others will be able to borrow when tight on money. This is similar to herd immunity because as long as a greater number are doing it the minority that can't will be protected.
An antigovernment newspaper would be an article, precisely some type of newspaper that speaks out against the government and overall disavows the governments ideals and views.
Sorry it took so long.
In the story Battle Royal by Ralph Ellison. The white men view the narrator no different than the rest of his black community. He explains how he wanted to do his speech so bad, because he believed that only those men could see is true ability. He then encounters a problem with a fellow man who he said ruined everything, so he punched him in the chin. All of a sudden he hears a voice say "I got money on the big boy". The Author wants the leaders to see his true ability, and not just view him as another black man. He had experienced conflicts, but finally got his chance. Which was given to him by the school superintendent, and got a scholarship to the college of Negros. It took the author to go through humiliating and low situations to get to his goal. And sometimes no matter how much he tried he just couldn't meet eye to eye with the whites in power.
Answer:C : for ukee dooks