The Zhou Dynasty became really large which caused it to be hard to control. The people of Zhou created territories with leaders for each, and these territories became to form their own political parties and not following those of Zhou
<em>Abraham Lincoln, John Breckenridge, John Bell, And Stephen Douglas</em>
<em>Abraham Lincoln → National Union Party → Lincoln was morally opposed to slavery </em>
<em>John Breckenridge → Democratic Party → Had publicly declared his opposition to "impairing in any form" the legal protection of slavery.</em>
<em>John Bell → Democratic Party → Bell opposed efforts to expand slavery to the U.S. territories.</em>
<em>Stephen Douglas → Democratic Party → Douglas believed that popular sovereignty would defuse the tension between the proslavery and antislavery factions.</em>
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<em>I hope this helps!</em>
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Answer: Krebs is well known for being an Italian enclave and is also known as Oklahoma's "Little Italy".
Napoleon was both a hero and a tyrant.
He was heroic when he brought law and order back to France, when the country was in chaos after the French Revolution. Then, he became a tyrant when he declared himself Emperor.
However, many of the principles that guided the French Revolution where included in his regime, and he developed a system of laws that is used in most of continental Europe to this day: the Napoelonic Code.
He got himself into many wars attempting at building a French-dominated Europe, and almost succeeded at it. He was defeated only because essentially of all Europe became his enemy, and joined forces against him.
As we can see, Napoleon is a complex and fascinating figure that cannot be classified as either a tyrant or a hero. He was both.