January 6 is the sixth day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. 359 days remain until the end of the year (360 in leap years).
January 6, 2021 was an attempted coup d’etat that had an inside and outside dimension and strategy! It was an undemocratic effort by President Donald Trump and over 150 Republicans to reject the popular votes of the American people in the 2020 presidential election and replace them with their own Electoral College Votes. They rejected the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and tried to keep Donald Trump in office for a second term.
Inside, originally 14 and in the end, eight members of the U.S. Senate and over 130 members of the U.S. House of Representatives voted that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were not the legitimate president-elect and vice president-elect because they were elected in a fraudulent and crooked election.
When Oedipus asks the blind prophet for his advice, the chorus is confused because of the answer the prophet provides. He accuses the King Oedipus of being the murderer of the previous king. The chorus are now confused and afraid of the whole situation.
No one can believe that the accusations are truth. They're unsure as to whom they should believe in since phrophets are considered emissaries of the gods and its impossible for them to be mistaken. They now found themselves conflicted.
Hope this helps !
reluctant describes the action
feelings is a noun
Record quotes and page numbers that reflect Anne's thoughts and ideas about each category at the beginning and the end of the diary. If you would like to address categories that are not listed, use the blank rows. Finally, use the fourth column to summarize your ideas about how the quotes you select ...
I don't think its necessary. do you?