<h2>All the given answers are right</h2>
- Lighting is one of the key factor which is essential to do cinematography
- It will help to cut off the shadows that is created using natural light
- It can depict the mood of the scene that is shoot
- We can adjust manually brightness and darkness according to the need, which is not possible in the natural light.
- It can boost the quality of the footage
- We can shoot anytime irrespective of the weather condition
- The light from the camera alone is not enough to shoot the best picture
current_price = int(input("Enter the current price: "))
last_months_price = int(input("Enter the last month's price: "))
print("This house is $" + str(current_price))
print("The change is $" + str(current_price - last_months_price) + " since last month")
print("The estimated monthly mortgage is ${:.2f}".format((current_price * 0.051) / 12))
Ask the user to enter the current price and last month's price
Print the current price
Print the change in the price, subtract the last month's price from the current price
Print the estimated monthly mortgage, use the given formula to calculate, in required format
Streaming movies may stop to buffer
microphones have a set record limit, and games downloaded wont generate errors unless something in the code is wrong, printers don't really need to connect to internet to work except for some, and streaming movies buffer because as you are watching them it downloads the next few minutes.