They're given money to help support them while they are having difficulty finding jobs since they had a large disadvantage (and still to this day a smaller, but still significant, disadvantage).
Many people argue that the new deal actually hurt many minorities from getting jobs at all since it did not solve any real underlying issue, only supplemented them with money instead of solving the root of the problem in why they could not get a job in the first place.
1. <span>tolerar o un ser tolerante , esp . de puntos de vista , creencias, prácticas , etc., de otros que difieren de la propia
2.</span><span>una desviación permisible de una norma o de la ideal teórico , esp. en la fabricación o el montaje de componentes
3.</span><span>la capacidad de soportar</span>
B, crust because its on top of the earths outer most layer.