Explicit memory: In psychology, the term explicit memory is also referred to as declarative memory, and is considered to as a subdivision of the long-term memory. It needs intentional or conscious thoughts in an individual, for example, recalling naming an animal that he or she has seen yesterday.
Implicit memory: In psychology, the term implicit memory is also referred to as non-declarative memory and is one of the subdivisions of the long-term memory that can not be recalled consciously or intentionally by an individual. It helps an individual to perform skills, habits, and automatic behavior, for example, cycling.
Answer: Homer(whats your roblo.x name?)
Answer:for recourses and political power. Remember the 3 reasons for colonialism:
Land, Power, Money.
Primary agent of socialization is the acceptance and learning of a set of norms and values established through the process of socialization.
Secondary agent socialization is usually associated with teenagers and adults, and involves smaller changes than those occurring in primary socialization.