The first universal credit card, which could be used at a variety of establishments, was introduced by the Diners' Club, Inc., in 1950.
I believe it was the Hutus group, they wanted an independent republic in 1959. They did this by overthrowing the Tusi rule and elected their first Hutu president.
Hindus believe in reincarnation and during this life a person should carry out themselves in a proper way- being helpful, kind, caring, honest and most of all uphold their religion and culture (e.g. performing morning sadhana- prayers, keeping clean and worshipping the Lord), in other words- keeping God in the center of their lives. So to reap good karma, one must do all of these things, so in the next life he/she will get a better birth (a poor man in this life will be better off in the next). The first answer is the correct one- reincarnate in a more pure varna- house (life).
It will transform societies through critical-thinking, evaluation, and creating appropriate rules for equal opportunity. It is a continuous process of development to achieve the needs of society.
i believe the answer is positive because they sound happy