The smallest such number is 1055.
We want to find
such that

The moduli are not coprime, so we expand the system as follows in preparation for using the Chinese remainder theorem.

Taking everything together, we end up with the system

Now the moduli are coprime and we can apply the CRT.
We start with

Then taken modulo 2, 3, 5, and 7, all but the first, second, third, or last (respectively) terms will vanish.
Taken modulo 2, we end up with

which means the first term is fine and doesn't require adjustment.
Taken modulo 3, we have

We want a remainder of 2, so we just need to multiply the second term by 2.
Taken modulo 5, we have

We want a remainder of 0, so we can just multiply this term by 0.
Taken modulo 7, we have

We want a remainder of 5, so we multiply by the inverse of 2 modulo 7, then by 5. Since
, the inverse of 2 is 4.
So, we have to adjust

and from the CRT we find

so that the general solution
for all integers
We want a 4 digit solution, so we want

which gives