Al hablar de entornos digitales de enseñanza y aprendizaje, la frase apunta al avenimiento de medios informáticos y tecnológicos al proceso metodológico de enseñanza de los distintos sistemas educativos a nivel mundial.
Así, la irrupción del internet como medio de búsqueda de información y las herramientas digitales como vídeos, diapositivas y libros electrónicos como métodos de presentación de información han facilitado el acceso de los alumnos y docentes al conocimiento a través de la generación de un entorno digital que permite a estos un acceso mas rápido y abarcativo al conocimiento.
Encapsulation is an example of variables
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The establishment of the Abacus brought about one of the first counting device (calculator). This device was a mechanized computer that supported numeric calculations. However<u>, the process was entirely manual and mechanized. </u>This innovation led to;
First-generation of computers, although not entirely manually operated like Abacus, made use of vacuum tubes, were very big in size and could store only a small amount of information.
Second Generation of computers
unlike the first generation that uses vacuum tubes, this one came with new technology; the use of transistors. The computers were smaller in size than vacuum tubes.
Third Generation computers made use of IC (Integrated circuits) for the first time. Contained higher storage capacity and was more reliable than previous generations.
Fourth Generation computers became known as the personal computer generation. This generation brought the use of personal computers on a personal level as they use microprocessors, was easy to carry about, had larger storage capacity and faster speed of operations.
Fifth-generation of computers is known as the age of artificial intelligence. These computers were programmed with the ability to make decisions just like a human being would.
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