Man: Okay parents listen up! Wrap a bunch of empty boxes and put them under your tree. When your kids are acting bad throw one of them in the fire!
Mom: But what do I do when I run out of kids...
<span>Chamberlain wants to inspire the continuation of imperialism. Kipling is giving advice about imperialism. -apex</span>
The correct answer is 4. A metaphor.
Metaphors are words, linguistic expressions or various forms of imagery that are used with transferred meaning. That is, one writes or talks about one thing to express another thing. A metaphor is a comparison in which the comparative word is not included. Metaphors are very common in everyday expression in all languages, that transfers the meaning of the original name to another object. It is part of the normal function and use of language, but it is especially important in poetry.
Time passes quickly.It is a way how things move, it depends if your bored then you feel like time is going to slow and when your having fun it's like wow already!