An ordered list.
<li> This is the first item.
<li> This is the second item.
A. How many marathons you have run, because it doesn't relate to the job you're applying for.
no_of_shares = int(input("Enter the number of shares: "))
purchase_price = float(input("Enter the purchase price of the stock: "))
sale_price = float(input("Enter the sale price of the stock: "))
total_stock_price = purchase_price*no_of_shares
total_spend_on_buying = total_stock_price + (0.03*total_stock_price)
total_sale_price = sale_price*no_of_shares
commission_while_selling = total_sale_price*0.03
net_gain_or_loss = total_sale_price - (total_spend_on_buying + commission_while_selling)
print("After the transaction, you lost {} dollars".format(abs(net_gain_or_loss)))
print("After the transaction, you made {} dollars".format(abs(net_gain_or_loss)))
Main memory is RAM (random access memory) that is so programs can save data. Without ram, whenever you would write something in a text document it would delete it. Secondary storage is so you can save the file and go back to it.