It may be a issue of internet bandwith, if this new game requires a insane ammount of internet then it may run low FPS (frames per second) and make myra's game look slughish,but anouther issue may be the ram or cpu, like if this is a new game and you've always played like simple games, so your running on persay a core i3 or i4, it aint gonna cut it on a newer game, you gonna need a probably core i5 or i7, or be like any sane person and switch to amd, it may be a bit pricy but if you want nice clean gaming, then amd is the way to go
For hardware, she can troubleshoot any broken components that are possibly in the computer, upgrade cards/fans, etc.
and for software she can upgrade her operating system, upgrade or download any missing frameworks, clear out any software that is taking too much CPU/RAM in the background using task manager/system viewer/KSysGuard, etc.
Salting is the preservation of food with dry edible salt. It is related to pickling in general and more specifically to brining also known as fermenting (preparing food with brine, that is, salty water) and is one form of curing.