no. badger vaccination is better
spreading mostly happens cattle to cattle
"killing badgers will not solve the problem. Badgers are not the primary cause of the spread of bTB in cattle: the primary route of infection is cattle-to-cattle contact[2]. The Government's badger cull is flying in the face of science. It should be putting more resources into speeding up the development of an effective cattle vaccine, amongst other measures"
wildlife life trusts
The costal cartilage connects the two together
-"Cell - some cells are meant to do a certain job then destroy self
-Digestion of surplus cells by their own lysosomal enzymes
The answer is true. It is because the activated sludge
process made use of the aeration in which air being mixed with a substance
together with a bacteria and protozoa that is in a biological floc that will
help treat the wastewater.