a. Bands at 1kb, 6kb and 8kb
The EcoRI and BamHI are the restriction enzymes which cut the DNA sequence especially a plasmid at specific sites called the restriction sites.
The restriction enzymes produces bands of specific length therefore these restriction enzymes are used to estimate the approximate length of the DNA.
In the given question, the
1. EcoRI- produces two strands of 7 kb and 8 kb
2. BamHI- produces two strands of 1kb and 14kb
This shows that the length of DNA sequence is 15kb
But when the DNA strand are digested with both the enzymes simultaneously then it will produce three bands as:
i) 14 kb can be broken down in 2 bands of 6 kb and 8 kb
ii) 1 kb band is already produced by the Bam HI.
This shows that 1+6+8= 15 kb
Thus, Option-A is correct.
They also have a specialized non-lignified tissue (the phloem) to conduct products of photosynthesis. Vascular plants include the clubmosses, horsetails, ferns, gymnosperms (including conifers) and angiosperms (flowering plants).
Any characteristic, whether a physical trait, a behaviour, a physiological adaptation etc can make an organism more or less likely to survive in a particular environment.
A dark colour could help a rabbit survive if it lives in a dark forest, because predators can't see it so well, but it would be less likely to survive in the arctic, where the environment is all white and it would show up.
In terms of the characteristics, think about: does it help the organism get food? Does it help protect the organism from predators? If it does, that organism is more likely to survive, and pass the characteristic on to it's offspring. If a bacterium has a characteristic of not being killed by antibiotics, this will help it to survive and breed.