Okey, so I looked it up lol
Santa Anna ordered his men to build a makeshift breastwork.
Santa Anna had expected Houston to attack early that morning but when the Texans failed to show, he told his soldiers to get some rest. Cos's men were worn out after the forced march. Santa Anna also took a nap in his brown-and-white striped tent. (The tale that he had a private interlude in his tent with a young black woman named Emily has never been substantiated beyond one hearsay reference of doubtful veracity.)
About 3:30 that afternoon Houston ordered his men to form lines to attack. Houston rode in front on a charger named Saracen. The Texan artillery, the six-pounders called the Twin Sisters, anchored the middle. The Texans crept through tall grass and were within 200 yards of the Mexican camp before the alarm sounded. Santa Anna was caught napping.
The Twin Sisters ripped holes in the breastwork and they streamed over the breastworks and into the encampment, attacking with ferocity.
Mexican soldiers, confused and fleeing in panic, were shot, stabbed, or clubbed to death as they ran or tried to surrender. Mexican officers tried vainly to rally their men to their own defense. The battle lasted 18 minutes but the slaughter continued until dark.
Hope this helps, Love.