The people of the area had pre-existing Socialist ideas.
The Socialist Party of Oklahoma was centered in the former Indian Territory because its leaders considered that its socialist ideas, which included (and still include today) concepts such as collective ownership of land, centralized planning of the economy, equality absolute between individuals, etc., were similar to the concepts of property that were established in the laws of the Native Americans. In this way, by establishing their centers in the native territories, the leaders of the Oklahoma Socialist Party believed that there they would have high rates of support, which would allow them little by little to grow in national politics.
Unfair taxes on products and their rights as citizens
That's where they were able to find the resources they needed for economic growth like minerals such as iron and gold. They didn't settle somewhere else because no other land had the resources they were looking for.
A.) Comparative Mythologists
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Carefully examine this photograph of a home bomb shelter. Fearing a nuclear attack, many people put these in their homes during the 1950s. What kinds of things did this homeowner think to include?
Food, water, flashlights, batteries and some furniture that could promote minimal comfort.
In the 1950s, fearing possible nuclear attacks, many people invested in building bomb shelters in their homes. This would guarantee the family's survival if a bomb threat was real. However, it took more than the shelter to guarantee survival and for that reason, it was common for people to put survival items inside shelters like food, water, lanterns, batteries and some things that could guarantee a minimum of comfort such as beds, chairs , reading material, games, among others.