I believe Correlation is not causation" means that just because two things correlate does not necessarily mean that one causes the other. As a seasonal example, just because people in the UK tend to spend more in the shops when it's cold and less when it's hot doesn't mean cold weather causes frenzied high-street spending.
The answer is: one
Approximately, motor vehicle crashes made up around 18% of death on that age group (since younger people are much less likely to die from illness). A large portion of those death are strongly correlated to driving under influence of alcohol or taking away attention from the road while driving (such as using phone)
<h3>Individualistic fallacy.</h3>
Individualistic fallacy is one among the five fallacies people should avoid when they think about racial denomination. According to Desmond and Emirbayer, it is an <u>individualistic fallacy</u> to think of racism as being only about ideas and prejudices.
In this fallacy, racism is seen as something that emerges from ideas and prejudices. People with this fallacy think that racism is the collection of hateful and prejudiced thoughts that racist individuals have for other groups of people. However, people with this fallacy does not consider the intentionality of a racial act. They think all racial acts are hateful and nasty.
Therefore, Desmond and Emirbayer try to establish that racism is not only about intentional thoughts and actions but it also includes unintentional thoughts and habits that social institutions have implanted.