when my best friend was using bad ways of coping, i was really worried about her, but I really needed to be honest with her. So, I talked to her about why this kind of thing is not good for her and that she might need to find some help. Now, she is in a much better place.
Theme. The theme of the poem is to portray how a child gets excited and thrilled by his own shadow. The child is curious and wonders how the shadows keep changing for everyone. He is impressed by his own shadow and so he starts noticing everything about his shadow.
It true
George Washington was the first president
An argumentative form of writing must be used to persuade the citizens to vote for a new reform bill. In this manner, the pros and cons of the bill will be deliberated and decided on with much objectivity. An argumentative form of writing enables a person to lay out all the possible reasoning why the bill will work. It may also argue where the bill can be used better and how it can further improve in terms of its application to society.