Answer: Some are green because of the chlorophyll, some chlorophyll breaks dowm when its cold
Genes are the segments of DNA transferred from parents to offspring
The process of fusing two or more DNA molecules to produce a hybrid is known as recombinant DNA. Restrictions endonucleases and ligases are two classes of enzymes that enable the technique.
When a restriction endonuclease detects a particular DNA sequence, it makes cuts inside or near that sequence. The recognition sequence of a restriction enzyme will haphazardly appear on every (1–4)n bases along a random DNA chain. The equation states how many fragments ends (measured in moles) are produced when a restriction enzyme cuts DNA.
Moles of DNA ends =2x(grams of DNA)/(number of bp)(660 g/mol / bp).
The equation describes how many ends are produced when circular DNA is digested by a restriction enzyme.
Mole ends=2x(moles DNA)x number of restriction sites.
The following equation can be used to determine how many ends are produced during the digestion of a linear molecule by a restriction endonuclease.
Mole ends=2x(molesDNA)number of restriction sites +[2x(moles of DNA)].
learn more about DNA
The environment usually refers to all the biotic and the abiotic components that are surrounding us. This environment undergoes changes depending upon various factors which can be natural and/or due to the anthropogenic activities.
When there occur rapid environmental changes, then it directly affects the lives of species, in different ways, such as-
- Those species that are comparatively weaker in adapting according to the environmental changes that occur, will not be able to cope up with the new environment. They may become extinct.
- Some variety of species will be able to adapt to the new environment because of their easily adapting capabilities.
- The traits that will be developed within the species in the new environment will be more successful in terms of reproduction.
- The previously existed traits may have a harmful impact in the newly formed environment.
Well what you have to do lol