The correct answer is C. The tertiary structure of a polypeptide is the overall three-dimensional shape of a fully folded polypeptide.
A polypeptide is a molecular chain composed of at least 10 amino acids (which are the molecules that make up proteins). When we talk about its tertiary structure, it refers to the complete overall three-dimensional structure of the polypeptide units of a given protein, where the polypeptide chain is fully folded and compacted. This folding is facilitated by unions called disulfide bonds, which are created from the cysteine residues, these bonds (called disulfide bridges as well) help to stabilize many polypeptides.
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Phytoplankton are essential to aquatic life zones because: they provide the basis of food chains. Log in for more information. Added 5/22/2016 9:52:12 AM This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.
A vacuum is usually defined as a space in which there is an absence of matter. It can also be said that there is an extremely low amount of pressure due to which the particles present in it are not affected by any type of process that occurs in space. The value of pressure is lower than the value of normal atmospheric pressure.
For example, sound cannot travel in space because there is no medium such as water and air through which the sound waves can propagate.