In the past, the radio was the family's only social interaction with the outside world other than movies.
The placement of chairs around the radio shows that this was a very important part of their lives.
La actividad de contrabando en América, se desarrolla a partir del siglo XVII como respuesta al llamado Monopolio Comercial Español. El contrabando por esa época consistía en el comercio y tráfico ilegal, sin que el tráfico fuera reportado o autorizado por las autoridades coloniales. Las fronteras del Imperio colonial español eran muy permeables, y las ciudades establecidas en suelo americano se convirtieron en potenciales clientes ávidos de los productos que desembarcaban desde barcos operados por europeos no españoles.12
Al respecto Guillermo Céspedes del Castillo indica que "el monopolio español cede ante el esfuerzo de sus importantes adversarios. A comienzos del siglo XVII son los extranjeros los principales beneficiarios del comercio de Indias en Sevilla; a través de testaferros españoles, más del 90% del capital y utilidades del tráfico entre América y el puerto andaluz pertenecen en realidad a franceses, genoveses, holandeses, ingleses y alemanes. ... En 1686, las flotas [españolas] surtían sólo en una tercera parte a los mercados indianos, que eran abastecidos en los restantes dos tercios por el contrabando".3
As primary landforms are formed, erosion and weathering create "secondary landforms," since these were once "primary landforms" that have been diminished naturally.
President Trump is expected to order the U.S. military to withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia by the time he leaves office in January, using the end of his time in power to significantly pull back American forces from far-flung conflicts around the world.
Under a draft order circulating at the Pentagon on Monday, the number of U.S. forces in Afghanistan would be halved from the current deployment of 4,500 troops, officials said.
In Iraq, the Pentagon would trim force levels slightly below the 3,000 troops that commanders had previously announced. And in Somalia, virtually all of the more than 700 troops conducting training and counterterrorism missions would leave.
This is one of the most important museums in Mexico City, and Dolores Olmedo also houses collections of other Mexican artists and an opulent grounds in the Xochimilco neighborhood where the hairless Mexican wander around. These three art museums best explain the life and times of the great Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo.
I would visit the Frida Kahlo museum because its a rare sight to see. Mexican arts are hard to find as most building that had them were brunt to the ground. I would visit also because they play the most best mexican music.