what's the question it's not clear
Answer: Once a year, the college goes on (AN) expedition trip to do charity work abroad. Last year’s trip was to help set up (A) community garden in South America. This year’s trip will be to Kenya. The trips are expensive, but students can save (A) lot of money by working together and doing fundraising events.
“An” is used when the following word begins with a vowel, “a” is used when the following word begins with a consonant. The second sentence would use “a” instead of “the”. I don’t know how to explain how I know, but my answer is correct.
A literary medium is a way to communicate information or artistic outlet. One many examples of a literary medium could be an autobiography. It could also be a crossword puzzle that one has created. A medium is any language, so how an author chooses to write it makes it a literary medium.