Please see my answer below.
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If you have any doubts (no joke) you can reach out to me in the comments.
<em><u>The endosymbiotic theory states that some of the organelles in eukaryotic cells were once prokaryotic microbes. Mitochondria and chloroplasts are the same size as prokaryotic cells and divide by binary fission. Mitochondria and chloroplasts have their own DNA which is circular, not linear.</u></em>
There are two types of neurons in our legs: motor neuron and sensory neuron. These send and receive messages to and from each other and the brain.
After Ed's accident, he can't move his injured leg since the motor neuron is dysfunctional. The sensory neuron is functional so he can feel his limbs but can't move them since when the sensory neuron sends a message to the motor neuron, it isn't able to deliver the message to the brain to make the leg move. This is why he can still feel his limbs but is not able to move them.
The correct answer for question number 1 is A - eukaryotes are the name
for unicellular organisms that dominated earth up to the Precambrian
The correct answer for question number 2 is C - the
greenhouse effect is related to the phenomenon of an increase in average
surface temperature known as global warming.
The correct
answer for question number 3 is D - the colourless and odourless gas
that is produced by the radioactive decay of Uranium-238 and is considered
to be a cancer-causing agent is Radon.
The correct answer for
question number 4 is B - Scientists can determine if oxygen existed in
Earth's Archean atmosphere by looking for oxidized iron in rocks.
The atmosphere is divided into different regions, called layers. The layer closest to the surface is known as troposphere, after which comes the stratosphere. The stratosphere begins at an altitude of 10 miles above the surface of the earth and stretches up to 31 miles above the surface of the earth. It is the second layer of the atmosphere (beginning from the surface of the earth) and it is the region which contains ozone, which plays a vital role in stopping ultraviolet radiation from reaching the earth's surface.