The voting rate of individuals 18 to 24 years of age increases as the level of education increases
As the level of education increases, we see the percentage of voting also increase which means this is true and can be supported by the chart.
When we read "Ambush" we soon realize that it is quite true what one might suspect about O'Brien when we read about him - the fact that indeed he always seemed to wanted to hear emotional truth more than he did factual truth. There are multiple sentences which indicate this, but most commonly these are sentences when he starts talking and conceptualizing events in terms of their meaning, how they affected someone and how someone felt while they happened.
If everyone has a job or is employed one way or the other it will affect the economy because everyone will be able to fend for themselves and also because the economy will be a developed economy because everyone is employed with good jobs. If everyone is able to have jobs then high crime rate in the country will reduce because the crime rate made by people are from those who are unemployed so if there is employment in the country it will hep the society, the community and the economy in different ways. Thank you for the question