For most space objects, we use light-years to describe their distance. A light-year is the distance light travels in one Earth year. One light-year is about 6 trillion miles (9 trillion km). That is a 6 with 12 zeros behind it!
Step One - problem/opportunity identification (V)
Step Two - Analysis (III)
Step Three - Design (II)
Step Four - Development (I)
Step Five - Testing and Installation (IV)
In the field of software development, or systems engineering, SDLC which refers to software development cycle refers to a systematic way of building software applications, it shows unique stages with the outcome of each stage dependent on the previous, step has a unique task which range from the planning, analysis, development, testing and installation of the information system.
The answer is design.
I know this because based off the notes it states that "the designer can use a model or mock-up to illustrate the look and feel, to help gain a better understanding of the necessary elements and structures.
Kobe was the best basketball player R.I.P
End-User Software. Because it is not professional