elaxel5817::ለምን ይህን ይተረጉማሉ? ደህና እኔ ልዩ ሰው እንደሆንክ እና በጣም እንደምትከብር አስታውሰሃለሁ ፣ ህልምህን ተከተል እና ተስፋ አትቁረጥ ፣ ለሚሳደቡህ ሰዎች መሳደብ ፣ ወርቅ ነህ
Put n=2 ,
f(2+1) = f(2) => f(3) = f(2) = 9
now, put n=1,
f(1+1) = f(1) => f(2) = f(1) = 9
The side of a square is,

To find the perimeter of a given square.
In square, all the sides are equal.
Therefore, all sides are (s+3).
To find perimeter, we need to add all the sides,

Final Answer:
Option (d) is correct.