Ocean currents act much like a conveyor belt, transporting warm water and precipitation from the equator toward the poles and cold water from the poles back to the tropics. Thus, ocean currents regulate global climate, helping to counteract the uneven distribution of solar radiation reaching Earth's surface.
Cancer is a type of harmful mutation.
Cancer cells are characterized by mutations associated with the uncontrolled growth of these tumor cells
Mutations in tumor suppressor genes are often associated with different types of cancers. On the other hand, mutations derived from the insertion of Transposable Elements may also activate cancer-related genes which are known as oncogenes
It would more likely to be pollinated by insects.
This is because the bright color of the petals can attract insects towards the flower thus sticking some pollen grains and transfer them to the stigma (female part of flower).
On the other hand, the color of petals do not really have effect on the wind pollination. Therefore this explains why wind pollinated flowers usually have small or dull colored petals.