<span>it probably break apart with cleavage, because the carbon atoms in graphite from sheets that could split apart easily in layers.</span>
Topoisomerases are enzymes that produce changes in the topology of the DNA during replication, transcription, traduction, or reparation processes. They can cut one or both strands and in order to relieve torsional stresses in the supercoiled structure of DNA. With this, they help to maintain the chromosome's integrity. There are two types of topoisomerases: topoisomerase I (it cuts only one strand of DNA) and topoisomerase II (it is able to cut both strands of DNA).
All living things contain carbon in some form. Carbon is the primary component of macromolecules, including proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. Carbon's molecular structure allows it to bond in many different ways and with many different elements.
Answer: 3
Given :
numC = 12
while numC > 3:
numC = numC / 2
Initial value of numC = 12
The condition checks if the value of numC is greater than 12, only then will the statement be executed and the loop isn't altered
numC = 12 is greater Than 3 ;
numC = numC/2 = 12/2 = 6
numC is now 6 ;
numC = 6 is greater than 3
numC = numC / 2 = 6/2
numC is now 3
numC = 3 is not greater than 3 ; hence, loop terminates (condition isn't met)
Hence , numC = 3
Any occurence of extra chromosones is due to genetic mutation/disorders.