Latitude, Altitude, relief, currents and winds and distance from the sea
<u>False, Not necessarily</u>
- According to the question,Kerneland suffers from a chronic scarcity of its staple grain, and corns which are agricultural products don't mean that a country is not self-sufficient in itself.
- Since Kernaland faces this scarcity it can import the same products from other countries to get rid of this problem which maintaining a balance of trade it can export what it specializes with.
- Developed countries have had similar problems of food scarcity in the earlier periods, but have overcome this. Blaming developing countries from the lack of food supplies is not a good way of understanding the economy, as many nations that are now developed or food sufficient had to import more of agricultural produce example is landlocked countries.
frozen, barren (empty) only some animals can survive extremely cold weather
Potential energy in the coal gets transformed to electricity
- As when coal has burned the conversion of the energy takes place and the chemical energy in coal s converted into the electrical energy and thus heat is produced an is used to run the steam power engines.
- So as the heat energy derived from the coal is converted to kinetic and kinetic is converted to mechanical and this mechanical is coveted to electrical energy to further run the machines thus energy is not destroyed it only transfers.
batholiths, d ikes, sills, and laccoliths
The plutons represent type of igneous intrusive rock formations. The word brings in some confusion as it is used differently around the world, but the general meaning of the word is that it represents a non-tabular intrusive body.
The plutons are often divided into four basic types:
- batholiths
- d ikes
- sills
- laccoliths
All of the plutons are forming deep into the ground. The magma cools off slowly into the crust and it forms a particular intrusive igneous formation. The laccoliths have the shape of a lens. The d ikes are pipe like and vertical. The sills are linear and horizontal. The batholiths are enormous and they lie below the other plutons, being the basis for them.