The best description of expression gene process is constitutive. this is because it is the partial diploid strain whereby the strain containing a beta-galactosidase gene which is constitutive.
Gene expression process is the process by which information from a gene is being used in the synthesis of the functional gene product. The process gene expression is used by different known life. For example, we eukaryotes, prokaryotes and utilized by viruses which are used to generate the macromolecular machinery which is for life.
I think the answer is Splits
I believe it is either fish of plants (Most likely plants).
What is one question you have about the study of life? Talk about the meaning of life and inquire about the way in which human beings. From philosophy this has to do with freedom
What is one question you have about biology?
What is the cell?
Who was Robert Hooke?
What is the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?
And the difference between plant and animal cells?
Who was Louis Pasteur?
What does the theory of biogenesis say?
What do you mean "sterilized"?