Describing Bill's comparison of the cereals:
This cereal is more nutritious than the one I used to eat because it's made with whole-grain wheat. This means it has lots of bran and germ. The cereal I used to eat lists white flour as the first ingredient and says that it is enriched with B vitamins. This means that the manufacturer of the cereal milled (refined) the whole grain by stripping off bran and germ.
Whole grain is made up of its bran and germ, including the endosperm. The bran is the exterior part of the wheat kernel, while the germ is the portion inside the seed, which enables it to grow into a new plant after planting. The endosperm is a tissue produced inside the seeds of most of the flowering plants following fertilization, which provides nutrition in the form of starch, oil, and protein. For whole grains to be nutritious in the body, these components must be present.
Milling or refinery is the process of separating the bran, endosperm, and germ from the whole grain.
Anaerobic exercise is intense exercise on the body that causes the muscle to form lactate because the energy demand can't be met by adequate oxygen supply for aerobic respiration in the muscle cells. This type of exercise is meant to increase muscle strength and power and is recommended for athletes who are keen to develop force rather than stamina (such as bodybuilders).
C learning how to sleep better