They are the Rejected children. They somebody who is unequivocally loathed by his associates. "Rejected children" are one of the five sorts of sociometric statuses, a framework for classifying a kid's social standing in view of associate reactions to that tyke. A few companions may like a "rejected children" to a degree, yet the tyke is only very seldom distinguished as anybody's closest companion.
The Boers. Both the Zulus and Bantus are africa tribes.
Answer: Utilitarian Approach
Explanation: Utilitarian Approach deals with making an enquiry about an ideal outcome for the highest number of individuals.
However, it is saddled with the role of acquiring the highest good for the greatest number of individuals, while establishing less harm or deterring the high suffering.
This approach mainly considers the impact of ones actions on other individuals and strive to enhance best results for the most individuals.
ethical dilemma
Ethical dilemma arises most of the time when the issues about moral principles. This style Emma arises when a person has to make a choice between two different courses of action. Two choices are involved here and no matter what you'll be a compromised principle.
Marietta is faced with this, first of all she knows that apart from the work conditions it is wrong ethically for children to be used as labourers. Then she's also faced with the reality of the children who are probably there to help support their families.
This puts her in a dilemma which is known as ethical dilemma.