Answer: Trustworthy: government health website
medical doctor
Non-trustworthy: nonprofit health clinic
social media
unlicensed medical professional
Trustworthy source is the one which is accurate and have some authorize content.
Government health website: It will have content developed by authorized health organizations which can be considered reliable.
Medical doctor: A medical doctor with years of experience in medicine and research can generate an opinion or content which will have reliable information.
Non-trustworthy source is the one which contains the information produced to gain money, authors own popularity and for fulfilling own desires.
Blogs: A blog can be written by any person giving the general information about health. This source is not reliable.
Social media: The social media can also be misguiding the population to attract people to sell ineffective goods and services related to health.
Unlicensed medical professionals: These are quakes. These people having no thorough knowledge of medical science will generate information that cannot be considered reliable.
Neuropsychology is in charge of studying human behavior and its relationship to brain functioning. Usually, a Neuropsychologist carries out his basic training in psychology and later acquires more specific knowledge in the field of neuroscience. This profession is extremely important in the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, so we can conclude that Dr. Welker is a Neuropsychologist.
The role of the neuropsychologist, in essence, is to evaluate, investigate, and create diagnostic hypotheses, then develop a treatment plan for the patient.
2. C
3. B
5. D
I believe I have answered all questions appropriately however they are too long to type back in sentence form.
The heart consists of exactly 3 layers:
The Epicardium (external layer)
The Myocardium (middle layer)
The Endocardium (inside layer)
Hope this helps!
Answer: Pathway of air: nasal cavities (or oral cavity) > pharynx > trachea > primary bronchi (right & left) > secondary bronchi > tertiary bronchi