Make the denominators the same number. Then do the problem as you would regularly without fractions
when we solve this problem
we get the value of α andβ
then take cube of α's value
and with β
and we get the values
The circle isnt full so dont underline the <
1st statement is true.
2nd statement is false.
3rd statement is true.
Step-by-step explanation:
We have been given two inequalities and we are asked to find out whether the given statements are true or false.
represents balance of account A and
represents balance of account B.
1. We can see from our inequalities that Jeremiah initially invested $100 in account A and $50 in account B. Therefore, 1st statement is true.
2. The rate at which balance of account A grows is 1.2 and rate for account B is 1.23. Therefore, 2nd statement is false.
3. We can find total amount Jeremiah invested in two accounts by adding initial investment of both accounts, that is 100+50=150 . Therefore, 3rd statement is true.