A lot of descriptive imagery, excellent setting and sophisticated language. Use of punctuation is varied and concise which effectively engages the readers to continue reading.
One problem is sentence length. No examiner wants to mark your exam and immediately get hit in the face with a chunk of words. Separate your paragraphs individually.
Both passages deal with the same theme of the inevitability of death.
Both of the passages share the same theme of the inevitability of death.
"On Seeing the Elgin Stone", John Keats asserts the mortality of man and that death is something man or in any case, anyone can avoid. Likewise, William Wordsworth also emphasizes the inevitability of death in his poem "Ode on Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood". Both poets from the same Romantic period describes how things will all meet their end, even things that are believed to be immortal will eventually fade away.
But professionals who use email don't enjoy getting a cryptic message from an email address they don't recognize
Adverbs modify (describe) verbs or other adverbs and often end in -ly. You need to locate the verb to determine at least one of the adverbs (the action of the sentence.) This is a complex sentence because it has an independent clause (it was not exactly what he had in mind) and a subordinate clause (when he agreed to do the task). If you just look at the independent clause, or the one that can stand by itself, you will find the verb 'was'. Ask yourself 'was what'. The answer is not, which means it is the adverb. To find the adverb describing it, we again ask, 'not what'. The answer is exactly. So the answer is A.