New states were added, population grew in the territories, and cattle-ranching industry grew.
The Homestead Act provided a reward and reason for settlers to move West. With expanding population in the East, the West offered more space and cheap land. Many white immigrants moved West, willing to take the risk of settlement. This population increase caused more innovation in the West as well as an expansion of States in the Union.
ly/3fcEdSx you can see here 7u7
D. The tribune could veto the magistrates' orders.
Initially, the tribunes protected individual plebeians from the arbitrariness of the magistrates. Gradually, a rather large power grown out of this right. Since 449, a person of tribune became inviolable, and his house had the right of asylum. The tribune could veto (ban) decisions of magistrates and the Senate (intercession law). Gradually, he became, as it were, the custodian of an agreement between the estates, and as such could take measures against uta violators (arrest, fine, etc.).
Answer: If you're asking for the wrong answer, I think it would be B.
Explanation: Trade and migration would not prevent developement, it would increase it.
C. Jordan and Syria. Jordan and Syria supported Egypt during the 1956 Six-Day War fought between June 5 and June 10, 1967. These two countries are instigated by Pres.Nasser to attack Israel. This war is a result of many long withstanding conflicts between these two nations.