Communism. In a communist ruling, the government controls most factors of production and decides allocation of resources.
The “Golden age” society marks a period in its history characterised by the heightened output of art, science, literature, and philosophy. Significance contributions are witnessed in New Zealand’s arts and culture which is at its “Golden Age” as far as the film industry is concerned. It has produced great films such as; Lord of the Rings, and the Hobbit etc. Despite its geographic size and small population, New Zealand has a vibrant film industry at its small capital which is well respected by Hollywood. In this case, the society may be said to be at its golden age due to the kind of respect it has earned.
Under the scientific and technological contributions, the United States is at its “Golden Age” where its leading scientific role has shaped the world as we know it today. American universities such as Harvard, Yale, Princeton or any other major varsity open up many doors around the world to students wishing to hold prestigious degrees in medicine, science, engineering and technology.
Economically China can be described to be at its “Golden Age” because the economy of China has enjoyed 30 years of explosive growth, making it the world largest. Its success has been based on a mixed economy that incorporates limited capitalism within a command economy. This is so because China is the largest export economy in the world and the 33rd most complex economy. In 2018 for example irrespective of the tariffs imposed by the Trump administration, China's annual trade surplus reached a record of $323.32 billion.
In the context of social developments, Chile has come along way and can be said to be at its “Golden Age” considering how Chile was a very traditional-minded country which was once heavily dictated by the Church. Chile can be said to be at its "Golden Age" because in recent years, however, the people of Chile have embraced gay rights, supported divorce, believed in more support from the Church towards women rights such as abortions and acceptance of atheists, agnostics and other believers.
Japan saw the industrialization as a prevention from being invaded because the industrialization was able to provide it with economic, military, and political strength.
Japan's industrialization was rapid. It led to a very quick economic grow in the country, making a leading economic and political power in the region. Also, the industrialization and its economic benefits made it possible that Japan can invest heavily in the modernization of its army, and so it did. By making a large, well trained, and well equipped military forces Japan secured itself from a foreign invasion, instead the nation become the invader and started conquering new territories.
A. Businesses struggled to replace skilled workers killed or severely injured in the fighting. B. Female workers displaced the returning soldiers, thus leading to massive male unemployment. ... Factories required new skill sets that returning soldiers were unprepared for.