sorry but i have a important message for people who play among us
attention be careful on among us guys its this hacker called sire sirol on among us make sure you are very careful because this hackers name is called eris loris!
if u read his name backwards you see it spells sire sirol ! if u see that username get out of the game he can hack you and don't subscribe to his channel this is a warning. be safe!
If they lose their job, there’s no backup plan
Peacebuilding is an activity that aims to resolve injustice in nonviolent ways and to transform the cultural & structural conditions that generate deadly or destructive conflict. It revolves around developing constructive personal, group, and political relationships across ethnic, religious, class, national, and racial boundaries. This process includes violence prevention; conflict management, resolution, or transformation; and post-conflict reconciliation or trauma healing, i.e., before, during, and after any given case of violence.[1][2][3]
that website may help you find some answers!
Answer:Quid pro quo harassment
Quid pro quo is taken from a Latin term which means something for something hence it is like I give you something and your also give me something in return.
Under United States labor law harassment may occur as quid pro quo harassment or hostile work environment.
"Quid pro quo" harassment occurs when someone who is in power or managerial position use that advantage to ask for sexual favours from employees in return promises to do them some favours also such as raising their salary or promotion.
It may also be used as threat to say to an employee that they will not be punished for whatever ever wrong they have done as long as they offer the supervisor whatever sexual favours that the supervisor requests.