The correct answer is: Placement stage.
According to the development of artistic abilities in children, individuals go through different stages:
Scribble, Preschematic, Schematic and Dawning realism.
In the Scribble stage the child goes through 4 more stages contained within the scribble phase. One of those four stages is the one called placement stage.
During the placement stage, the individual is able to perform more controlled motions (Such as drawing specifically in a certain place on the paper, drawing in a certain manner, and so on) that are more sophisticated that his/her previous attempts.
In this case, Rick loves to scribble with crayons and hi smother noticed that all of his squiggles were in the bottom right corner of the pages.
This shows that Rick is in the Placement stage of children's artistic development.
4 basic types of what? Please retype your question
<span>I think western movies could be more realistic by giving more details to the conflicts
Often time, movies always had the good guys and the bad guys.
To be more honest, every conflicts that happened throughout the histoy is simply happened because there were 2 sides that confront each other for different interests
as for who is 'bad' and who is 'good', it depended entirely to the side that the story teller is on</span>
Japan agreed to Commodore Perry's trade treaty because of the military threat. Japan was well aware that they were faced by an adversary who had a stronger military than Japan and so they had to bow down to the wishes of Commodore Perry. It did not matter whether Japan liked it or not, they had no other alternative.