Coolidge beliefs. Believed in prosperity rested on well being of American business, Believed completely in business and prosperity, Believed in Normalcy because Harding couldn't do it. ... Calvin Coolidge goals as president ... Took solo transatlantic flight, which gained support in the United States for commercial flight.
the 30th U.S. president, led the nation ... a model of stability and respectability for the American people in an era of ... Calvin Coolidge was the only U.S. president to be sworn in by his own father. ... made speeches and steadily gained influence with Republican Party leaders.
The Opium Wars greatly expanded Western influence in China. The wars also led to the weakening of the Chinese dynastic system and paved the way for uprisings such as the Taiping and Boxer rebellions.
I think that Louis XIV oversaw three of the following which are colonization in the West Indies ;exploration and colonization in North America ;and establishment of a strong monarchy except letter A. Coronation of the Duc du Maine.