Your body uses fats as a supply and store of energy: a gram of fat contains more than double the amount of energy present in a gram of carbohydrate. The steroids in your body include some hormones. Other lipids make up the outer layer of all your cells, and the fatty sheaths that insulate nerve fibres.
Vascular have a system that is intricate and the plant can move water to distribute it to the whole plant. Vascular plants are able to grow bigger due to this ability. Example of this would be a tree or a flower Non vascular plants are usually small plants that are close to the ground.
Bryophytes, which evolutionarily precede tracheophytes, are plants that lack true vascular tissues by which to circulate liquids. These plants include mosses, hornworts and liverworts. Tracheophytes, which comprise about 93 percent of all land plants, all possess vascular systems that permit the internal circulation of liquids and nutrients.
The Mitochrodria helps break down sugar and turns it into energy
(V-Vo)/t = (30-0)/4 = 7.5 m/s^2.
Disease, competition, and predation.