C)The children fail at first, but work together to separate their parents.
The narrator is sharing the story from his own perspective and shares the story is first person view. By using personal pronouns like I, me and my the narrator is able to share his story as he has experienced it.
Features of robotic surgery:
- makes use of tiny video cameras
- improves surgical precision
- reduces pain and recovery time
- costs more than traditional surgery
The ultimate aim of the robotic surgery is to give environment for the doctors where the intervention or involvement of humans i.e. doctors or surgeons is less. The surgery that is assisted by the robots provides a way for the doctors to deal with many complex operations with more flexibility, accuracy, and control .
In this method the miniaturised surgical tools and instruments are used. The world’s advanced robot used in the surgery is da Vinci Si. These surgical robots have 4 arms in which the instruments for the surgery are placed. This robotic surgery creates less trauma in the body . Also only minimal scars are seen. Blood loss and pain is also minimal
The council IS arguing among themselves
If you want my opinion, all these are a great thing to do.But
However answer B. Would be more reasonable to this question.