Special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession and are difficult for others to understand are called "jargon," since they are often only understood by people "in the know".
Described as "the shot heard round the world," British soldiers (also called red coats) in April of 1775 and minutemen (the colonists' militia) exchanged gunfire at Lexington and Concord in Massachusetts. This signaled the start of the American Revolution.
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Answer:Child laborers cost less money for business owner
The area on the map is three
The Northern states enjoyed increasing political representation and power born from rapid population growth. Because of the South’s investment in agriculture any attack on slavery, which was witnessed in the North, was an attack on Southern economy itself. Webster viewed slavery as a matter of historical reality rather than moral principle. Congress had prohibited slavery in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 and divided regions into slave and free in the 1820 Missouri Compromise. Slavery where it existed could not be eradicated but it could not also take root in the newly acquired agriculturally barren lands on the southwest.