They eat other snakes, including venomous snakes. They have developed a hunting technique to avoid being bitten by clamping down on the jaws of the venomous prey, but even if bitten, they are immune to the venom. They also eat amphibians, turtle eggs, lizards, and small mammals, which they kill by constriction.
All the organisms of one kind in an ecosystem are called a population. For example, a pond ecosystem might have populations of frogs, waterlilies, insects, duckweed, and protists. Populations living and interacting with each other form a community.
Genotypic ratio = 16 WwDd: 0
Phenotypic ratio = 16 white, disk shaped fruit : 0 yellow, sphere shaped fruit
This question involves two different genes coding for fruit color and fruit shape respectively. The allele for white fruit color (W) is dominant over yellow fruit color (w) and disk shaped fruit (D) is dominant over sphere-shaped fruit (d).
According to this question, If a squash plant pure-breeding for white, disk shaped fruit (WWDD) is crossed with a plant pure breeding for yellow, sphere shaped fruit (wwdd), the following gametes will be produced by each GAMETE:
wwdd - wd, wd, wd, wd
Using these gametes in a punnet square, all of the offsprings will have genotype WwDd, which is phenotypically white and disk shaped fruit.
The genotypic ratio is 4 WwDd: 0
The phenotypic ratio is 16 white, disk shaped fruit : 0 yellow, sphere shaped fruit.
What’s better then 24 25!