Submarines are highly efficient War machine. It is easy to attack the enemies and can hide easily.
20 to 30 sailors on submarines can cause more damage than 1000 soldiers on the battlefield. Usually, Submarines operate during the night. Germans mostly used advanced submarines which led them to attack US submarines effectively.
They called submarines as U-boats means underwater boats. submarines usually travel on the surface of the water and can go downwards to a limited extent. Submarines use a diesel engine for high surface speed and for long travel.
c. caused the native americans to o develop immunity to european disease s
Where did he go - He visited the states of Southeast Asia, the coast of India, the Persian Gulf, the Red Sea, and the east coast of Africa.
Who did he meet - He met the treachery from King Alagonakkara of Ceylon.
What did he see - He saw 7 new animals
What did he find - He found lions, leopards, ostriches, zebras, and other animals...
How did his visit impact that area - He expanded China's political influence in the world, and he made policital ties with other nations.
What important information did he bring back - The THINGS he broght back was lions, leopards, ostriches, zebras, and other animals... People thought they were really important because a Giffrafe was kinda like a Chinese unicorn ( qilin ) which represented good fortune.
Aside from the pay, the reason Texas cowboys re-upped for a cattle drive was for the adventure. Although the drive might be boring at times, with weeks and sometimes months on the trail with nothing to see but dust and flat lands, natural and man-made challenges occurred occasionally. One of the most frightening challenges encountered in a drive was crossing a river. A swift river could carry a man, a horse or a cow. A slow moving river might camouflage quicksand and deep holes both of which were dangerous also.
The answer is gonna be 25