More than Three (3) unit operations are involved when in the process of converting green coffee beans into brewed coffee. Examples are Drying operation, Milling, Pyrolysis process, Grinding operation, etc.
d. Digital rectal examination and PSA testing have been proven ineffective.
The prostate is a small gland in the male reproductive system and is usually the shape and size of a walnut. Current methods to determine if a prostate has become cancerous include a physical exam (known as a digital rectal exam or DRE), magnetic resonance imaging, a biopsy, or tests to determine prostate-specific chemical antigen (PSA) levels in the blood.
Prostate cancer is considered a cancer of the elderly, since most cases are registered in men over 60 years. The most effective techniques for screening for this cancer are annual screening exams - which include the blood-drawn PSA test and digital rectal touch - are recommended for all men aged 50 and over.