Movement because plants don't move and animals aren't miving constantly
If you go to this link, you will be able to see the answer:
Answer: hypotonic, isotonic, hypertonic
Explanation: The tonicity of a solution depends in part on its concentration of the solute that can not pass the membrane (non penetrating solute) relative to that inside the cell.
Hypotonic solution (hypo means less): contains less concentration of non penetrating solute relative to that inside the cell. Water will enter the cell and the cell will swell and late.
Isotonic solution (Iso means same): it contains thesame solute relative to that in the cell, there will be no net movement of water across the plasma membrane.
Hypertonic solution (hyper means more) Hypertonic solution contain more solute relative to that in the cell. Hence the cell will lose water to its environment and may shrink and die.