First, I chose to put a Chipotle container into the trash, instead of the recycling. This wasn’t the best decision, because it could have gone to the recycling and helped others.
Secondly, my family owns a compost bin and compost machine that helps compost vegetable waste, fruit scraps, coffee grounds, and other compostable items. Choosing to do this helps the environment in many ways.
Thirdly, I picked up many aluminum cans on the side of the road to crush and collect. After several months of collecting them in a container, my family and I bring them to a place that recycles and reuses metals and aluminum.
The histones that are more positively charged, tight hardly to negatively charged DNA. So, enzymes, such as acetyltransferases, that reduce the positive charge of histones promote transcription.
Chromatin structure and its modifications can change the package of the DNA and consequently, alter the gene expression. The most common modifications of the chromatin are covalent modifications such as acetylation/deacetylation (by acetyltransferases and eacetylases), methylation (by methyltransferases), and phosphorylation (by kinases). This is the way of gene expression regulation.
The effects of modifications are different, for example methylation promotes condensation of the chromatin and as a consequence, prevents binding of transcription factors to the DNA (transcription is repressed).
Acetylation loosens the association between nucleosomes and DNA (because it neutralizes the positive charge of histones) and consequently promotes transcription. Deacetylation is a process opposite to acetylation.
Osmosis. This<span> is the procedure in which water absorption through semi permeable membranes happens at high concentration levels. Semi permeable membranes pertain to tissues found in the plant roots; from there, water will be transported to an area with much lower concentration levels</span>
Uranus is the 7th planet from the sun :))
Meiosis results in gametes with one half the number of chromosomes of the parent cell.