Both the force of windshield on the bug and that of the bug on the windshield are equal but in opposite direction.
When the vehicle is moving forwards and air flows around it, and it also causes the flying bugs to hit the windshield. This impact causes a force that is imparted on both the bug and the windshield.
Thus both the bug and the windshield experience equal and opposite reactions result in Newton's Third law of motion. According to this law, it states that there will be an equal and opposite reaction for every reaction.
One of the two ways minerals form is by: 1. crystallization of magma (cools inside the crust) or lava (cools & hardens on the surface) 2. crystallization of materials dissolved in water. When these liquids cool to a solid state, they form crystals.
Amino acids and nucleotides
Amino Acids -
Amino acids are organic compounds that mix to create proteins.
Nucleotides -
A nucleotide is an organic molecule that's the building block of DNA and RNA.
Marijuana growers main reason in diverting water from creeks and wild rivers is due to drought. Like any farmer, marijuana growers needs water for the cultivation of this plants. This booming of industry marijuana cultivation has to lead to the greater demand for water which could not be sustained because of drought.
All these factors affect gene flow:
1. Differences in animal behavior and life history strategies can form effective barriers to gene flow.
2. The home range size of the specie can also serve as a barrier to gene flow.
Firstly, gene flow is the transfer of genetic traits from one population to another. It is an important process for transferring genetic variations from one population to another.
There are several barriers or factors that limit or increase this gene flow.
Gene flow can be affected by mobility or rate of dispersal. It is expected to be lower in species with low mobility which is the movement from one place to another or low dispersal and vice versa. So a population with a shorter home range size can't effective aid gene flow as they interact only with individuals of the same population and vice versa.
Gene flow barrier could be by physical barriers which is the isolation of a geographical location preventing them from exchanging genetic materials with the same species of the sane population.
This type of physical barrier is usually but not always natural.
Barrier to gene flow could be reproductive preventing transfer of genectic materials due to differences in mating period, season of birth and so on.
Another barrier could be difrerneces in customs, ethnicity, religion and clans.
All these factors affect gene flow but the 3rd and 4th option are not totally true as barriers to gene flow are not totally physical geographical barriers and not totally anatomical differences but also soil preference and other factors.