oh sorry i needed points but i have a friend whos user starts with dida
yes i do....................................................
The answer is "supplierType"
Description of the code:
- In the given program two structure is defined, that is "supplierType and paintType", in which "supplierType" structure two-variable name and "supplierID" is defined, that datatype is "String and integer".
- In the next step, "paintType" is declared, in which "supplierType" object supplier is created, in which two string variable "color and paintID" are defined, in which "supplierType" data type is supplied.
recognizing that gender differences are a myth.
The options are:
- active listening.
- recognizing that gender differences are a myth.
- structured debate.
- building cross-cultural understanding
Without active listening, structured debate, and cross-cultural understanding group conflict are definitely on the card. However, no one now is concerned about gender differences. As now both the genders are already having the equal status in at least developed countries. However, this too can play a role in avoiding group conflict. However, since this is not that important considering the current context, this looks like being the correct option here. Hence, the above mentioned in the answer section is the correct option.
You need to explain the entire network layout first.
Bringing on new IT Staff can be time consuming. But depending on the possession you need to explain to them how the domain lay out is.