The correct answer to the following question will be option C.
IP Address: IP Address stands for Internet Protocol Address, a unique numerical label allotted to every computer network that are connected to the network of the computer and communicate through the internet protocol.
- An IP address can be separated by periods and having four numbers that are called Octet. Range of IP address can be from 0 to 255.
- We have to keep the first 21 bits and start setting all from the 22nd bit on to 0 (zero).
- To get the suitable and the correct range of the address, we add and subtract 1 from the given broadcast address i.e.,
So, option C is the right answer and no other option is usable according to the given explanation and the address given by the administrator.
I dont not not the frsidjkbzxc.n bzl,b vbsv,gcjdvc,
age=int(input("Enter age"))
if age>=18:
print("You are Young")
print("You are child")
if you have any query or any problem kindly ask in comment
Answer: The statement implies that the hackers psychologically manipulate the human to access the information they need.
Explanation: The author states that the hacker does not only exploits technology to get system access or to gather information. But there is another pivotal part of hacking. He refers to this part as "social engineering".
Social engineering from information security perspective means manipulate human emotions and convincing them to disclose some confidential information. Hacker often hacks or defrauds after gaining confidence and trust of a person.
Phishing is an example. It is a fraudulent technique for getting some secret information. Phisher sends an email pretending to be from some reputable organization to persuade people to divulge private information like passwords and credit card numbers, ATM card pin etc.